Vivvidero came with a new challenge. Create an experience for previewing a custom render for the home renovation service based on pre-existing catalogs.
Web, UI, UX
February 2022
First, we understand the overall goal to the user: Get a quick estimate on the home renovation project. And for Vivvidero: Increase the number of qualified leads reaching for a home renovation project. With this is mind we can undertand how to create an amazing experience for the user and getting the results the client looks for.
The Flow
Based on the knowledge Susu and Vale had gained over months of talking with clients, we build a flow for the whole experience, not just web, but how to qualify the lead, how to track it and the MVP we can build.
Understanding limitations
Vivvidero is a Startup with a lot of room to grow, but right now it doesn’t have the means to build the big experience. So we decide to focus on just one flow to test the product and gain feedback directly.
Results &
We are right in the middle of the process of building the product, the feedback so far has given us prove that we are on the right path. A seamless experience in just one screen increase the engagement rate and giving the prices upfront gets Vivvidero less but more qualified leads.